Tāmata | Yin & Restore
Hip Opening ClassOpening the hips can create more ease in general mobility and surrounding areas too: especially your lower back. This class works into the deeper tissue to create some space and movement in the hip joint.
This class is an excellent stand-alone yin class, but it would also be a lovely gentle precursor to one of the other flow or strength classes on this site. Enjoy. |
YintasticThis class combines the traditional yin class with some shorter mobility-inspired poses. The combination of the two helps you ease into things while keeping a sense of flow and movement in the poses. You'll open the hips, hamstrings, adductors, and shoulders in this class. See you on the mat.
Evening FlowLet's unwind from the day and settle the mind with some gentle, longer holds and a quieter practice. This sequence will help you transition from day time into a more mellow restful evening.
Relief for the Feet; Happiness in the HipsThis yin class includes some opening of the connective tissue on the soles of the feet. Perfect for runners or those who wear heeled shoes fairly often. By opening up the connective tissue, you're creating greater ease and comfort in the feet. We'll then do some lovely stretches for your back, hips, and shoulders.
Yoga for the Sleep Deprived *30 mins*This class offers loving support for the sleep deprived/ jet-lagged/ wired and tired crew who still need to get on with their day. Enjoy this simple practice designed to help soothe your tired mind and limbs. Longer holds help gently stimulate your system and let go. Perfect for all levels; anytime.
Yoga for When You're FrazzledSometimes we benefit from setting aside 15 minutes to just slow the heck down. When we stop, drop, and check in with ourselves we can begin to clear the mind of all the spinning thoughts and chatter. Give yourself permission to really try this out and see how you feel in body and in mind.
Pigeon Pose and Happy HamstringsThis would be an excellent class for anyone who feels that their hamstrings could do with some attention. Athletes: I hear you! We'll start by addressing the pigeon-type shapes, which open up the outer hips. From there there's time to do some gentle to moderate hamstring stretches.
Open Your Shoulders, Hips and QuadsPoses such as wheel and bridge pose are often greatly improved when we take time to open up the shoulders and hip flexors first. It also makes it easier to reach your arms up over your head. Let's add some quad stretches in while you're here, and feel your backbends improve.
Kinder, Gentler YinSometimes stretches can be intense. Let's ease into things more gently. In this practice we'll open the hips especially, so be patient with yourself, start gently and you'll make huge gains over time.
MarinateIn this 15 minute mobility class, you will increase your flexibility through mindful breathing, longer holds, and fluid movements. These longer holds provide an opportunity to focus on your breath, ground your energy, and appreciate the body you have. This class is perfect for after a hard workout, run, or at the start of your day. You will leave this class relaxed and rejuvenated.
Marinate 2.0Starting with sukasana "easy pose" we look for ease in each of the shapes as we open up the hips. For each of the shapes look for ways to create a pleasing stretch as you settle and marinate in the shape. An all-levels flexibility class.
Shifting GearsThis is not quite a yin class, but it's too slow to be considered a regular flow. It moves at the pace of molasses. And there are times when that's exactly what you need to shift gears. Either it's a gentle class to set the tone for your day and wake you up, or it's the soothing antidote to the busyness of the day just past.
Bedtime YinGet your mug of hot water with lemon and roll out your mat. We'll wind down your day with this 15 minute yin class. Stretch, bend, and breathe it out before having a restful sleep. Practice this class regularly to support your ease of movement, or use it as needed to relieve areas of tension and discomfort.
No Props? No Problem 1This class comprises of simple, at-home stretches designed to target commonly tight areas of the body. No props are needed here, and we'll instead use body weight to gently create sensations in the muscles and fascia (connective tissues).
No Props? No Problem 2This can be a stand alone class or a follow-on from No Props? No Problem 1. This class comprises of simple, at-home stretches designed to target commonly tight areas of the body. We'll again use body weight to gently create sensations in the muscles and fascia (connective tissues).
Enter the DragonBuild your own form in this class; find a way to make yin suit you. You'll work into the ankles, hips, and hamstrings, allowing each part to relax and release unwanted tension. If time permits, add savasana on at the end.
Yin in a Cold Climate *25 mins*I love this class. In my teaching notes, I've literally written that in brackets besides the title. I love that it's the smallest possible transition from pose to pose to pose on one side. Then we treat the other side, which is perfect if you're chilly and want to stay put. Grab a hot beverage and settle in for this class. It works the legs and hips.
Releasing Expectations
My 6 Favourite Chest OpenersThis class is amazing if you've been sitting for a long time. Use these poses to open the chest and shoulder area and ease the upper back. It's also the perfect preparation to develop your range of motion in backbends, generally. You'll need two blocks or block-like objects for this class.
Full Yin ClassA complete 1 hour class with savasana at the end. What a gorgeous way to slow down and check in with yourself...follow with a big glass of water and then a bubble bath. Two blocks and a strap is useful if you have them, but I'll offer modifications if you don't.
Smooth OperatorA full hour class with minimal transitions. You'll work through poses on one site of the body before changing to the other side, which is a very soothing way to practice. Two blocks are useful if you have them.
Moves Like JaggerThis class is great if you're looking to improve hip mobility ;-). You'll combine some chest-opening poses with some hip and quad flexibility, culminating in a great unwind. While we don't do ALL hip stretches here, you'll find targeting other areas helps release hip tension, also. Two blocks are recommended for this class.
Yin MojoLet's stretch and gently restore our energy levels in this all-round class. Take the time to keep at your stretching and flexibility work, and enjoy the quiet time to yourself. We'll cover all sorts in this 15 minute session.
Sweet Sleep PrepEven if you've had a pretty calm day there can be things that make you wired and create agitation. This class will help to down-regulate your nervous system for bedtime. A large wool blanket and two blocks is ideal. If it's cold where you are, consider covering yourself with a cosy blanket while you do these poses, too.
Feeling GoodThis yin class helps you down-regulate your nervous system. You will pay deliberate attention to your breath and the sensation of the poses. Two blocks are encouraged but not mandatory.
Yoga for GolfersRelease your hamstrings and your IT bands (outside thigh) in this compact yin class. Longer holds will give you the time and space to let the tissues relax and dissolve any tension from the course. A strap and two blocks is recommended.
Neck & Shoulders ReleaseRecent months have accelerated the digital economy with many more of us using online tools in our work, leisure, and even grocery shopping. In parallel with this, we are holding forward-jutting positions for longer, leaving the postural muscles rather tired. This class releases tension from the neck and shoulders. Think of it as a tune-up or self massage. You'll need a strap or tea towel for this class.
Cosy TimeReady for your home yoga retreat? Brew a cup of tea, put on some snuggly clothes, and join me for this gentle practice. Imagine a whole weekend of gentle movement, good food and deep sleep! Start here.
One of My FavouritesA yin class I've taught and loved greatly over the years. It was time to bring it here. We have shorter holds and move through a few more poses that normal. Good if you want yin but feel short on time. One block recommended.
Super ChilledOne blanket/throw needed for this calm, yin/restorative class. Fewer poses and longer holds but in a way that is very supportive.
Deep RestRest can be a beautiful thing, but how do we do it in a way that frees the mind too? Enjoy 18 minutes of guided relaxation along with some gentle stretches to release tension. A pillow and blanket are strongly encouraged if you have them within reach for extra comfort. Make yourself a cosy, delightful practice on your mat.
Restorative Yoga SnackTwo blocks and a strap are needed for this delicious, restorative class. There are three poses, which you can hold for longer by pausing the video in places. A microsavasana ends the practice.
Stay Warm YinA yin class where blankets are encouraged. Stay snuggly while you stretch the body gently.
RestoreA slow stretch and relaxation practice that shows you multiple ways to access poses with a strap. You'll access the shoulders, hips, and learn some breathing patterns to calm the mind.
ReleaseLet go of the things that don't serve you. Make space for the new things ahead. You'll need two blankets or a firm pillow.
Underrated StretchesFour excellent techniques to get into tight muscles.
Restorative JuiceFor when you're tired, needing a bit of me time or some quiet. You'll need several blankets and pillows for this. Think: supported longer holds and fewer poses.
Chatty Yin 2A talk on the Kleshas (things that block joy) and some yin poses. Chatty yin is my favourite: we cover asana and philosophy at the same time.
Yin for the HipsA short and sweet class stimulating all parts of the hips for maximum mobility. Blocks (or a chair) optional.
Hip StretchFocus on deep folds through malasana, pigeon, happy baby, and a few shapes for the inner hips. A block is a very useful prop if only for the first pose. The holds are shorter than a traditional yin class.
Yin & TonicA longer class with time for longer holds. Enjoy this peaceful, calm experience on the mat. One bolster or rolled blanket as a prop.
Yin Anytime 1One of my current favourite practices as we enter the Winter months. Choose a cosy spot, find some props (2 blocks, 1 bolster, 1 blanket) and settle in.
Yin Anytime 2One of my current favourite longer practices with a focus on the hips. Choose a cosy spot, find some props (2 pillows) and join me on the mat.
EvolveA prop free yin class focusing on hips and hamstrings
Hamstring MobilityThree KEY movements to help unlock your hamstrings. Use nerve flossing and slow repetitions at maximal range to improve your hamstring flexibility.
Full Yin PracticeA longer, calming practice for when you need the peace and quiet. Props: two blocks and a bolster.